Why is it that so many conservative Christians are at war with Psychology? Overall, I think that most Christians have a shallow understanding of psychology from one general psych undergraduate course or less, wherein they have decided that Sigmund Freud was the devil, and so must be psychology. I've heard countless evangelicals say things like, "You don't need a counselor; you need Jesus." Alright, let's extend the analogy: "You don't need a doctor; you need Jesus." Sound ridiculous? It should.
Furthermore, I have heard preachers bash psychological theories from the pulpit, opining that they are self-centered rather than God-centered. Do they also condemn medical theories because they are also focused on the self/body rather than Christ? The problem is, you're assuming that psychology suggests itself as the spiritual answer for humankind. It does not do this just as medicine does not do this, nor any other serious discipline other than theology. Psychology simply is. It is a science whereby observations are attempted to be made to form models and theories that are helpful to us. Take what you find helpful and use it to help others; discard the rest. But please do not throw the drinking water out with the bath water.
It's obvious that many Christians think the spiritual healing Jesus brings instantly transfers to the soul, and that counselors and psychologists could not possibly play a role in God's redeeming, sanctifying work in a believer's life. How could you tell someone that was abused as a child that he/she could not use a counselor or suggest that he/she should not use a counselor and that "all you need is Jesus?" Could it possibly be that Jesus is using the counselor to heal and redeem that person? But ah, here we have it. Is it that you want God to only work within the walls of your church? Do you want to own Him? Let Him work through His people no matter what discipline they are working in, even if it's psychology.
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